Vs. the Eternal Functional Submission of the Son of God (2022)

Kwabena Donkor. Eternal Subordination of Jesus? A Theological Analysis and Review. Release 23. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, 2022. 45 pp. Published as a pdf online.

Plexus couldn’t locate a description of this work.

“Kwabena Donkor just retired as an Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists World Headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. A graduate of Andrews University, he earned his doctorate in Systematic Theology, with a dissertation published as Tradition, Method, and Contemporary Protestant Theology; An Analysis of Thomas C. Oden’s Vincentian Method. He has written scholarly articles for journal including Andrews University Seminary Studies and Ministry Magazine, and the Biblical Research Institute’s Newsletter, Reflections. He contributed to several books including Millard Erickson et al., Reclaiming the Center: Confronting Evangelical Accommodation in Postmodern Times.”

Author description from the back cover of the book.

The book is freely available for download as a pdf on the BRI’s website.


Biography of a Renowned Baptist Preacher Acquainted with SDAs (2021)


Rediscovering the Glories of the Sabbath (2021)