Biography of a Renowned Baptist Preacher Acquainted with SDAs (2021)

Mervy A. Warren with Charles E. Bradford. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor: Visits Revelation, the Seven Churches, and Adventists. Pacific Press, 2021. 80 pp.

“Who Was Gardner C. Taylor?

A renowned and celebrated Baptist preacher from 1941 to 1990, Gardner C. Taylor also spent quality time in the Seventh-day Adventist world. The influences were mutual—he influenced Adventist preachers and was in turn influenced by the Adventist books in his library. Occasionally, he referenced Ellen White, our prolific and inspired Seventh-day Adventist author, in his sermons. Taylor preached 81 sermons on the book of Revelation! What influence did Adventist resources have on his body of work?

In 1979, Time magazine listed Taylor as one of the seven greatest Protestant preachers in America and a year later named him “dean of the nation’s black preachers.”

Taylor delivered sermons at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and elsewhere at Andrews University, Oakwood University, and several Adventist churches in the United States. Get to know more about this consummate preacher of the gospel and his prophetic preaching in this book.”

Description from the website of the Adventist Book Center.


History of the Rise of Adventist Fundamentalism (2022)


Vs. the Eternal Functional Submission of the Son of God (2022)