European Adventist Scholars on the Contemporary Relevance of Faith in Creation
Dorn, Matthias and Rolf Pöhler, eds. Die Schöpfung - Glauben, Denken, Leben: Zur Relevanz des Schöpfungsglaubens in der Gegenwart. Lüneburg: Advent-Verlag, 2018. 232 pp.
English translation: Creation - Believing, Thinking, Living: The Contemporary Relevance of Faith in Creation
“Belief in God, the Creator, is fundamental and defining for Seventh-day Adventists. This volume describes how this conviction can be lived out in a credible way in a technical, scientific and secularized society.
In the theological first part, the book addresses the topicality and relevance of creation for faith, which permeates and shapes all areas of life. The methodological second part examines the relationship between faith and knowledge. Among other things, it examines the difficulty of developing a scientifically sound alternative to the theory of evolution. Seven concluding theses summarize the results of the book; meditations on creation and faith as well as references round off the volume.
The book deliberately refrains from anti-evolutionist arguments and sees itself as a plea to avoid any kind of dogmatization - both on the evolutionist and creation-theological side. Spiritual and scientific arguments each have their own justification, which makes respect for those who think differently essential.”
The above English translation is based upon the original German text from the publisher’s website.