The Greek Text of Daniel (2023)

Olariu, Daniel. Theodotion’s Greek Text of Daniel: An Analysis of the Revisional Process and Its Semitic Source. Supplements to the Textual History of the Bible 7. Leiden: Brill, 2023.

“This study advances our knowledge regarding the character of the version of Daniel attributed to Theodotion within the larger framework of the Theodotionic problem in Septuagint research. This is achieved in two ways. In addition to demonstrating the recensional character of Theodotion-Daniel and describing its revising techniques, it also breaks new ground on Theodotion’s Hebrew-Aramaic source. The findings compellingly argue for the theory that Theodotion-Daniel is a systematic revision of the Old Greek in conformity with a Semitic text form which often preserved original readings against the Masoretic Text and the Qumran scrolls.

Daniel Olariu, Ph.D. (2021), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is teaching Biblical Studies at Theologische Hochschule Friedensau, Germany. He is the recipient of distinguished scholarships, awards, and prizes. He has presented papers at various international conferences and published many articles on the Book of Daniel.”

Description from the publisher’s website.


Adventist Identity and Theological Issues (2024)


The Creation Account in the New Testament (2022)