Slovakian Autobiography (n.d.)

Kernová, Katarína. Nádherný šok. 120 pp.

“Až keď nás originálne zasiahne Láska, pochopíme, čo nám v živote najviac chýbalo. Táto autobiografia úprimne odkrýva autorkin životný príbeh a odhaľuje jej hlboké vnútorné prežívanie na ceste za zdrojom lásky a skutočného šťastia. Má potenciál inšpirovať každého, kto rovnako ako ona túži po naplnenom živote.”

“Only when Love touches us in an original way, will we understand what we have been missing the most in our lives. This autobiography honestly uncovers the author's life story and reveals her deep inner experience on the way to the source of love and true happiness. She has the potential to inspire anyone who, like her, desires a fulfilled life.” (Translated by GoogleTranslate.)

Description from Advent Orion.


The 19th-century Scandinavian Children-Preachers (2019)


Analysis of Ellen White (2022)