History of Adventists in Russia (2020)

Michail Ivanovič Odincov. Живущие надеждой церковь христиан-адвентистов седьмого дня в России 1886-1991 гг. : история и люди, факты и события, уроки и новые возможности. Moscow: Političeskaja ėnciklopedija, 2020. 574 pp.

Google Translation of title: Living with Hope: the Church of the Seventh-day Christian Adventists in Russia 1886-1991: History and People, Facts and Events, Lessons and New Possibilities.

Plexus couldn’t find the publisher’s website. The book is listed in the catalogue of the University of Tübingen Library.


The Ellen White Issues Symposium Journal (2021) Available on Amazon.com


History of Adventism in Central Kenya (2021)