History of a Theological Shift in Adventism (2021)

Kenji Yamagata. 主よ, み国を!: 現代アドベンチスト神学の動向. Rev. ed. Japan: Fukuinsha, 2021. 468 pp.

“From the 19th-century Advent Movement to the present day, the Bible understanding of the Adventist Church has gradually deepened and evolved from a legalistic standpoint to a Christ-centered position. The five “S”-doctrines emphasized by the denomination—the Sabbath, the Second Coming, the Sanctuary, the State of the Dead, and the Spirit of Prophecy—have also developed over time. This work reviews the history of the Adventist Church and provides an overview of the aforementioned theological transition.”

Description text from the publisher’s website. Google-translated with light translation improvements.


Articles on Education (2021)


Biography of a Jamaican-English Pastor (2020)