Angeology and Judgment (2023)

Patiño-Hernández, Miguel. The Divine Judgment and the Role of Angels: An Evaluation of Conflicting Models Based on the Doctrine of God. Published by the Author, 2023.

“The role of angels in the Divine Judgment setting and the resultant description of angelic participation in the Final Judgment have been delineated differently in diverse paradigms and theological systems. The broad spectrum of angelic functions varies from a non-existent to a prominent and active description of their presence in the Final Judgment. This dissertation addresses the conflict of interpretation between the determinist and collaborative models regarding the role of angels in the Final Judgment by implementing a canonical methodology and a theological discussion based on an inductive study of the entire canon.

This book is an edited version of Miguel Patiño-Hernández's doctoral dissertation for the Doctor of Philosophy in Religion degree presented to the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) in the Philippines in January 2019. In this edition, a new section in Chapter Five has been added.”

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Analysis of Ellen White (2021)


Christian Ethics (2023)