American Adventist History (2022)

Dittes, Albert G. A Stuggle against Great Oddds: Seventh-day Adventist Origins in Post Civil War Kentucky and Tennessee. TEACH Services, 2022. 120 pp.

“This book tells the story of how Adventism penetrated many of the smaller towns in Kentucky and Tennessee. Fortunately for history, the early Adventist pioneers had a keen sense of public relations and informed Adventists of their work through sending news stories to the Review.

Uncovered in this book are stories of dedication, sacrifice, persecution and victories among those starting a new religious movement in difficult territory. The hardships seemed to inspire them to keep their faith, and the early churches bore rich fruit. The work of those who laid the foundation for what is now the great Kentucky-Tennessee and Georgia Cumberland Conferences has stood the test of time.”

Description from the publisher’s website.


Autobiography of Missionaries to Japan (2023)


Autobiography of a Missionary to Papua New Guinea (2023)