Adventist Women in Academia (2022)

Sheldon, Jean, ed. Resonate!: A Celebration of Scholarly Writing: Women Adventist Scholars in the 21st Century. Westlake Village, CA: Oak and Acorn, 2022. 410 pp.

“This book came about because a few leading members of the Pacific Union Conference decided that the 10th anniversary of the Pacific Union Conference vote to ordain without regard to gender deserved celebration. And since the union had the ability to publish scholarly books, what better way to celebrate than to publish a book comprised of scholarly articles written by Adventist women scholars? This book celebrates the move forward of the Pacific Union Conference to ordain without regard to gender [August 19, 2012], but it demonstrates that no longer must women refrain from scholarship or from teaching in areas like New Testament, Old Testament, systematic theology, ethics, and praxis. This book, as well as the vote to ordain without regard to gender, give supportive Adventists two great reasons to celebrate! A book like Resonate!, the first of its kind, owes its existence to those who enabled it to be written and published. No celebration like this would take place were it not for the many people who worked tirelessly to bring the Pacific Union Conference to the point of voting to ordain women.”

Description from Amazon.


The Creation Account in the New Testament (2022)


Mexican Adventist History (2023)